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Low Grade Vintage Bison is a snuffed grain, waxed article with a  Firm temper.

The leather has a heavy waxed finish creating a cracked fractured break during finishing process to create a unique effect.

Dark top with Bright Red pull up color

Some of these sides contain  Deep heavy fat wrinkles that create a unique effect.


Since it is free-roaming Bison it is likely to contain typical range marks, scratches, scars, sores, holes and may contain dark blotches.


**Please note that shipping Bison outside the USA requires a fish and wildlife certification and may incur an additional cost for foreign customers**


Please note: Due to monitors, lighting, and slight differences between batches, color may vary slightly from pictures. Because our products are 100% real hides, each may vary slightly. For more information please see our customer care page.

Vintage BisonLG CrimsonRed 4-4.5oz Lot#10055

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    207-553-3700 x334

    930 Geiger Street

    Louisville, Kentucky 40206


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